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Principal's Message


Linklater Public School is a very special place, in the heart of Gananoque, and the 1000 Islands. Our beautiful building was originally built in the early 1920s and has had two additions since then. Our student population is 165 students and we currently employ 21 full time staff.

We work hard to ensure that our students are safe, respected and happy members of our school community. When our students feel a positive connection to their school, they are ready to learn and achieve to the best of their ability. We have school-wide initiatives that promote character, good manners and kindness. We explicitly teach children how to self-regulate, so that they are successful in school, and in life.

Our focus at Linklater is on nurturing children to become life-long, responsible, independent learners and critical thinkers. We do this by providing a safe, caring, supportive and collaborative place of learning; by celebrating our diversity; by developing a climate of respect and by modelling our own love of learning.

Our parent community is an important part of the success of our students and school. We encourage parents to participate in the daily learning activities of their child by talking to their child about their learning and by using agendas to communicate with their child's teacher. There are many opportunities for parents to connect with the school by being active members of our wonderful School Council, by attending sporting and musical events, and by partnering with their child’s teacher.

We build and maintain strong partnerships with community members and businesses. Currently, we offer a before and after program through the 1000 Islands Daycare.

Linklater is a wonderful place for children to learn. At the Upper Canada District School Board, we make it our mission to prepare all students for a successful life.

Cliff Williams - Principal 


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